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Gallery Gathering: "With Great Intent" and "American Woman"
January 9
5:30 PM
ArtBreak: Ekphrastic Showdown
January 15
12:00 PM
ArtBreak: Black Ash Basketry
January 29
12:00 PM
Gallery Gathering: Karl Knaths’ Wounded Tree and Harold David Landes’ Pink Tree
February 6
5:30 PM
ArtBreak: Tejer
February 26
12:00 PM
Gallery Gathering: An Infinite Constellation of Love
March 13
5:30 PM
ArtBreak: Connecting Chords / Engaging Drums
March 19
12:00 PM
Gallery Gathering: Sourced from the ‘Zoo
April 3
5:30 PM
ArtBreak: Modern Dance in Rehearsal
April 9
12:00 PM
ArtBreak: Sourced from the ‘Zoo - Epic Explorations
April 16
12:00 PM