Rookie Detectives: Lots of Dots

This event is no longer on sale.

Tuesday March 7

10:00 AM  –  11:00 AM

It’s time to start training for Art Detectives! Join the Rookie Detectives for a special hour together as we read the clues in a story, investigate the galleries, and create a case through material exploration. This program takes place one hour before the galleries open. Strollers are welcome, and we recommend wearing clothing that can get messy. Reservations are required. We know that it might feel like you can’t come to the museum with a crying or noisy baby - but all Rookie Detectives are welcome!

There are dots outdoors and dots on floors; dots in the air and dots at a fair. In all actuality, there are lots of dots in the KIA galleries! The Rookies will look at and create amazing works of dots.

Members: To receive your discount, please sign in to your member account in the upper right-hand corner. Once you have signed in, select the Member ticket option and your discount will appear on the final check out screen.