Create an edition of prints that combine the printed text of a favorite haiku or short poem with a block-print illustration. The class will begin at the Kirk Newman Art School where students will plan and print an image to correspond with their selected text using traditional Japanese woodblock printing techniques. Completed prints will then be taken to the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center where students will learn the basics of setting metal type and will then apply these skills to hand-set their Haiku in a typeface of their choice. After setting and proofing your Haiku, students will make prints on a Vandercook press. At the end of the class, participants will put their type away while the prints dry. This collaborative workshop is an amazing way to learn the processes that go into combining text and illustration.
Note: Participants will be handling lead with protective gloves.
At the Kirk Newman Art School: 1/22 & 1/29
At the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center: 2/5
Charles Coates & Katie Platte
Wed (3 wks) 1/22-2/5 6:30-9pm
KIA & Kalamazoo Book Arts Center $285 / Members: $265
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